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Title Exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices / edited by Meher Manzur
Published Cheltenham, U.K. ; Northhampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar, 2002


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 MELB  332.042 Man/Eri  AVAILABLE
Description xiii, 214 pages : illustrations, ; 25 cm
Contents 1. Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Commodity Prices: An Introduction / Meher Manzur -- 2. The Explosion of Purchasing Power Parity / Yihui Lan -- 3. On Exchange Rates, Nominal and Real / Larry A. Sjaastad -- 4. Purchasing Power Parity and International Competitiveness / Meher Manzur -- 5. The World Real Interest Rate / Li Lian Ong, Kenneth W. Clements and H. Y. Izan -- 6. Term Structure of Interest Rates: Experience from the G7 Countries / Meher Manzur -- 7. Notes on Exchange Rates and Commodity Prices / Kenneth W. Clements and Meher Manzur -- 8. The Price of Gold and the Exchange Rate / Larry A. Sjaastad and Fabio Scacciavillani -- 9. Is the $A a Commodity Currency? / John Freebairn
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Foreign exchange rates.
Interest rates.
Primary commodities -- Prices.
International finance.
Author Manzur, Meher, 1953-
LC no. 2002034711
ISBN 1840648430