Price maintenance -- Australia -- Law : Resale price maintenance : a guide to the Australian law / by Howard Schreiber, John L. Taylor and Bruce Donald ; with a foreword by R. M. Bannerman
Price maintenance -- Dictionaries : Dictionnaire du commerce équitable : état des lieux des recherches universitaires / coordonné par Vivien Blanchet et Aurélie Carimentrand
Price marks. : Mind over money. Season 1, episode 3, Why do we spend money we don't have? / directors, Mitchell Hawkes, Brian Challis ; producer, Arwen O'Connor Skelly ; produced by Ruckus proudly partnering with KiwiBank
Price-Mars, Jean, 1876-1969 -- Influence : Between two worlds : Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa / edited by Celucien L. Joseph, Jean Eddy Saint Paul, Glodel Mezilas
Price of eggs in China Lee, Don, 1959- : Short stories for students. Volume 25 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Ira Mark Milne, project editor ; foreword by Thomas E. Barden
--subdivision Prices under individual products and other objects; also subdivision Prices under industries where one general subject heading for the products of that industry is lacking, e.g. Construction industry--Prices
Price Policy. : A European Minimum Wage Implications for Poverty and Macroeconomic Imbalances / Enrica Detragiache
--subdivision Prices under individual products and other objects; also subdivision Prices under industries where one general subject heading for the products of that industry is lacking, e.g. Construction industry--Prices
Price regulation -- Australia -- New South Wales. : Price control legislation of New South Wales : being the Prices Regulation Act, 1948, no. 26 / annotated by J.M. Jelbart ; with a foreword by C.J. Bellemore