Presidents Fisk University Biography : Charles S. Johnson : leadership beyond the veil in the age of Jim Crow / Patrick J. Gilpin, Marybeth Gasman ; foreword by David Levering Lewis
Presidents -- Foreign relations -- United States : US presidential elections and foreign policy : candidates, campaigns, and global politics from FDR to Bill Clinton / edited by Andrew Johnstone and Andrew Priest
Presidents -- France -- Diaries. : The memoirs of Raymond Poincaré / translated and adapted by Sir George Arthur ; with a preface by the Duke of Northumberland
Presidents -- France -- Election -- Congresses : In situ and laboratory experiments on electoral law reform : French presidential elections / Bernard Dolez, Bernard Grofman, Annie Laurent, editors
Presidents -- Guatemala -- Biography : Terror in the land of the Holy Spirit : Guatemala under General Efraín Ríos Montt, 1982-1983 / Virginia Garrard-Burnett
President's House (Columbia, S.C.) : At home in the heart of the Horseshoe : life in the University of South Carolina President's House / Patricia Moore-Pastides ; foreword by Harris Pastides
President's House (Philadelphia, Pa.) / : Upon the ruins of liberty : slavery, the President's House at Independence National Historical Park, and public memory / Roger C. Aden
Presidents -- Impeachment -- Law and legislation -- United States : An analysis of the constitutional standard for presidential impeachment / by James D. St. Clair, John J. Chester, Michael A. Sterlacci, Jerome J. Murphy, Loren A. Smith, attorneys for the President ; Of counsel: Charles Alan Wright