Precision casting -- Case studies : Finding lost wax : the disappearance and recovery of an ancient casting technique and the experiments of Medardo Rosso / edited by Sharon Hecker
Precision farming -- Research -- Australia. : Economic and environmental benefits - risks of precision agriculture and mosaic farming : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Lisa Brennan ... [and others]
Precision medicine -- Economic aspects : Economic evaluation in genomic and precision medicine / edited by Christina Mitropoulou, Sarah Wordsworth, James Buchanan, George P. Patrinos
Precision Medicine Initiative : Relevance of health literacy to precision medicine : proceedings of a workshop / Joe Alper, rapporteur ; Roundtable on Health Literacy, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Precision medicine -- Materials : Silk-based biomaterials for tissue engineering, regenerative and precision medicine / edited by Subhas C. Kundu, Rui L. Reis
Precision medicine -- Netherlands : Personalized specialty care : value-based healthcare frontrunners from the Netherlands / Nico van Weert, Jan Hazelzet, editors
Precision Medicine -- nursing : Nursing informatics 2018 : ICT to improve quality and safety at the point of care / edited by Ann Kristin Rotegård, Diane J. Skiba, Sayonara Barbosa and Angelica G. Davalos Alcázar