Pottery -- History -- Congresses : Argiles de la physique du materiau a l'experimentation : actes des journees d'etudes du Programme Collectif Argiles (2018-2020) : unité mixte de recherche archéologies et sciences de l'antiquité (UMR 7041 - ArScAn, Nanterre)
Pottery -- Indiana : The Michiana potters : art, community, and collaboration in the Midwest / Meredith A.E. McGriff
Pottery, Indic. : Caste, entrepreneurship and the illusions of tradition : branding the potters of Kolkata / Geir Heierstad
Pottery -- Indonesia -- Lombok. : Western influences on the Sasak pottery of Lombok, Indonesia : an evaluation of the acculturation process on material culture / Geoff Harley
Pottery industry -- India : A dilemma of terracotta professional : the case of implementing information systems in a terracotta unit / Sanjay Mohapatra ... [and others]
Pottery, Italian -- Islamic influences. : The arts of fire : Islamic influences on glass and ceramics of the Italian Renaissance / edited by Catherine Hess ; with contributions by Linda Komaroff and George Saliba
Pottery, Italic : Atlas of ceramic fabrics. 2, Italy : Southern Tyrrhenian, neolithic-bronze age
Pottery, Italic -- Italy : Atlas of ceramic fabrics. 2, Italy : Southern Tyrrhenian, neolithic-bronze age
Pottery, Japanese -- Exhibitions. : The ceramic traditions of Japan : master works from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo / [organized by the Queensland Art Gallery in association with the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Tokyo]