Vegetative state refers to the neurocognitive status of individuals with severe brain damage, in whom physiologic functions (sleep-wake cycles, autonomic control, and breathing) persist, but awareness (including all cognitive function and emotion) is abolished
Vegetative state refers to the neurocognitive status of individuals with severe brain damage, in whom physiologic functions (sleep-wake cycles, autonomic control, and breathing) persist, but awareness (including all cognitive function and emotion) is abolished
Post-communism -- Asia -- Case studies : When economies change paths : models of transition in China, the central Asian republics, Myanmar & the nations of former Indochine Française / Leo Paul Dana
Post-communism -- Belarus : Orthodoxy versus post-communism? : Belarus, Serbia, Ukraine and the Russkiy Mir / by Michał Wawrzonek, Nelly Bekus and Mirella Korzeniewska-Wiszniewska
Post-communism -- Caucasus : Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus : migration, democratisation and inequality in the post-Soviet era / edited by Sophie Hohmann, Claire Mouradian, Silvia Serrano and Julien Thorez
Post-communism -- Czechoslovakia : Local communities and post-communist transformation : Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia / edited by Simon Smith
Post-communism -- East Asia : Family and social change in Socialist and Post-Socialist societies : change and continuity in Eastern Europe and East Asia / edited by Zsombor Rajkai
Post-communism -- Economic aspects -- Europe -- Public opinion : European public opinion three decades after the fall of Communism : most embrace democracy and the EU, but many worry about the political and economic future / Richard Wike, Jacom Poushter, Laura Silver, Stefan Comibert
Post-communism -- Economic aspects -- Germany (East) : Bildung und Arbeit in Ostdeutschland / von Christof Helberger, Harry Maier, Markus Pannenberg, Thomas Schmid-Schönbein, Jürgen Wahse; herausgegeben von Dieter Timmermann