Here are entered works of literature in Portuguese by Portuguese Americans. Works of literature in English by Portuguese Americans are entered under American literature--Portuguese American authors
Portuguese -- Luxembourg -- Social conditions : Between Europeanisation and renationalisation of the free movement of persons : a financial crisis-induced migration from Portugal to Luxembourg / Claudia Hartmann-Hirsch, Fofo Senyo Amétépé
Portuguese -- Malay Archipelago -- History : The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575-1619 : power, trade, and diplomacy / Paulo Jorge de Sousa ; translated by Roopanjali Roy
Portuguese New Zealand Discovery and exploration : Beyond Capricorn : how Portuguese adventurers secretly discovered and mapped Australia and New Zealand 250 years before Captain Cook / Peter Trickett
Portuguese Oceania Discovery and exploration : The first discovery of Australia and New Guinea / George Collingridge ; with an introduction by O.H.K. Spate and a foreword by Kenneth Gordon McIntyre
Portuguese poetry -- Latin America -- Jewish authors : I am of the tribe of Judah : poems from Jewish Latin America / edited by Stephen A. Sadow ; introduction by Ilan Stavans ; translators, Celeste Kostopulos Cooperman [and 9 others]
Portuguese poetry -- To 1500. : Dreams of waking : an anthology of Iberian lyric poetry, 1400-1700 / edited and translated by Vincent Barletta, Mark L. Bajus, and Cici Malik
Portuguese poetry -- To 1500 -- Criticism, Textual : Normas de edición para a poesía trobadoresca galego-portuguesa medieval = Guidelines for the edition of medieval Galician-Portuguese troubadour poetry / edición de Manuel Ferreiro, Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro e Laura Tato Fontaíña
Portuguese poetry -- To 1500 -- History and criticism : The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax : the golden age of medieval Galician poetry = O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax : o esplendor da poesía galega medieval / edited by Alexandre Rodríguez Guerra, Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo