Portuguese Explorers Juvenile fiction : Over the edge of the world : the story of Henry the Navigator / by Ierne L. Plunket ; illustrated by Jack Matthew
Portuguese India Discovery and exploration : Em nome de Deus : the journal of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama to India, 1497-1499 / translated and edited by Glenn J. Ames
Portuguese Indonesia Discovery and exploration : Le istorie dell'Indie Orientali / del p. Gio. Pietro Maffei ; tradotte di Latino in lingua Toscana da m. Francesco Serdonati Fiorentino
Portuguese influences Culture : Língua Portuguesa na Europa Central : estudos e perspetivas / Joaquim Coelho Ramos, Šárka Grauová, Jaroslava Jindrová (eds.)
Portuguese language -- Ability testing : Minimalist inquiries into child and adult language acquisition : case studies across Portuguese / edited by Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman