Portugal -- Colonies -- Periodicals. : Anais de história de além-mar / Centro de história de além-mar, Faculdade de ciências sociais e humanas, Universidade nova de Lisboa
Portugal -- Colonies -- Race relations -- History : Luso-tropicalism and its discontents : the making and unmaking of racial exceptionalism / edited by Warwick Anderson, Ricardo Roque, and Ricardo Ventura Santos
Portugal -- Colonies -- Social life and customs : Cartas para Angola = Letters to Angola / apoio, Proac, Governo do Estado São Paolo ; Laboratorio Cisco ; direção, Coraci Ruiz, Julio Matos ; produção, Hidalgo Romero, Thaís de Souza
Portugal -- Commerce -- Econometric models : International competitiveness of the Mediterranean quartet : a heterogeneous-product approach / Herman Z. Bennett and Ziga Zarnic ; authorized for distribution by James Daniel
Portugal -- Commerce -- History -- 16th century : Portuguese intervention in the Manila Galleon Trade : the structure and networks of trade between Asia and America in the 16th and 17th centuries as revealed by Chinese ceramics and Spanish archives / by Etsuko Miyata
Portugal -- Commerce -- History -- 17th century : Portuguese intervention in the Manila Galleon Trade : the structure and networks of trade between Asia and America in the 16th and 17th centuries as revealed by Chinese ceramics and Spanish archives / by Etsuko Miyata
Portugal Common fallacies : Antisemitic conspiracy theories in the early modern Iberian world : narratives of fear and hatred / by François Soyer
Portugal Communicable Diseases : Infectious ideas : contagion in premodern Islamic and Christian thought in the Western Mediterranean / Justin K. Stearns
Portugal Communities : Territorial innovation in less developed regions : governance, technologies, and sustainability / Filipe Teles, Carlos Rodrigues, Fernando Ramos, Anabela Botelho, editors
Portugal Confraternities History : The Confraternities of Misericórdia and the Portuguese diasporas in the early modern period / edited by Isabel dos Guimarães Sá and Lisbeth Rodrigues
Portugal. Congresso. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n81129324 : From legislation to legitimation : the role of the Portuguese parliament / Cristina Leston-Bandeira
Portugal Constitutional history : Holland House and Portugal, 1793-1840 : English Whiggery and the constitutional cause in Iberia / José Baptista de Sousa
Portugal Constitutional history 19th century : On the liberty of the press, and public discussion, and other legal and political writings for Spain and Portugal / edited by Catherine Pease-Watkin and Philip Schofield
Portugal Constitutional law : Soziale Sicherheit in Portugal und ihre verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen / Quirin Vergho
Portugal Consumer protection : La protección del consumidor de inmuebles / [director] Francisco Lledó Yagüe ; [coordinador] Oscar Monje Balmaseda
Portugal Convict labor Colonies History : Convict labor in the Portuguese empire, 1740-1932 : redefining the empire with forced labor and new imperialism / by Timothy J. Coates
Portugal Cooks Lisbon : Culinary journeys. Season 2, episode 3, José Avillez : Portugal / Cable News Network
Portugal Cork industry : Sunday morning. Food : put a cork in it / produced by Patricia Caetano
Portugal Cork oak : Sunday morning. Food : put a cork in it / produced by Patricia Caetano