Here are entered works on the Vatican City residence of the Pope, consisting of various papal palaces, museums, galleries, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Library, etc
Popes -- Early works to 1800 : The Lives of the Popes and Emperors / translated by Aldo S. Bernardo and Reta A. Bernardo ; edited, with an introduction, by Tania Zampini
Here are entered works on the ministry of unity and leadership exercised by Saint Peter and that thereafter individuals or bodies exercise collegially for the whole Church after his example or as his successors. Works on the authority and jurisdiction that the Bishop of Rome in his office as successor of Saint Peter exercises over the universal Church are entered under Popes--Primacy
Here are entered works on the authority and jurisdiction that the Bishop of Rome in his office as successor of Saint Peter exercises over the universal Church. Works on the ministry of unity and leadership exercised by Saint Peter and that thereafter individuals or bodies exercise collegially for the whole Church after his example or as his successors are entered under Petrine office
Popes -- Temporal power -- History. : The power of Rome in the twentieth century : the Vatican in the age of liberal democracies, 1870-1922 / Anthony Rhodes