Poor -- Scotland -- Glasgow -- History -- 19th century -- Directories. : 1841 police return : showing the name, age, occupation, sex, country, residence, weekly earnings, nature of the dwellings, and other particulars, of one thousand & thirty-eight destitute persons within the city of Glasgow / by H. Miller
Poor Services for -- See Also the narrower term Charities
Here are entered works on privately supported welfare activities. Works on tax-supported welfare activities are entered under Public welfare. Works on the methods employed in social work, public or private, are entered under Social service. Works that discuss collectively the various policies, programs, services, and facilities to meet basic human needs relating to the quality of life, such as education, health, welfare, etc. are entered under Human services --subdivision Charities under names of ethnic groups and names of corporate bodies; and subdivision Civilian relief under names of wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Civilian relief
Poor -- Services for -- Brazil : Politicas sociais no Governo Bolsonaro : entre descasos, retrocessos e desmontes / Clovis Roberto Zimmermann, Danilo Uzêda da Cruz (orgs.)
Poor -- Services for -- California -- Oakland : The Black Panther Party : service to the people programs / the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation ; edited and with an afterword by David Hilliard ; foreword by Cornel West
Poor -- Services for -- Cambodia : The urban poor development fund in Cambodia : supporting local and city-wide development / Somsak Phonphakdee, Sok Visal and Gabriela Sauter
Poor -- Services for -- Case studies. : Waging the global war on poverty : strategies and case studies / edited by Raundi Halvorson-Quevedo and Hartmut Schneider
Poor -- Services for -- England : Miss Cutler & the case of the resurrected horse : social work and the story of poverty in America, Australia, and Britain / Mark Peel
Poor -- Services for -- Ethiopia : Improving basic services for the bottom forty percent : lessons from Ethiopia / Qaiser M. Khan, Jean-Paul Faguet, Christopher Gaukler, and Wendmsyamregne Mekasha
Poor -- Services for -- Europe : Absolute poverty in Europe : interdisciplinary perspectives on a hidden phenomenon / edited by Helmut Gaisbauer, Gottfried Schweiger and Clemens Sedmak
Poor -- Services for -- Germany : Die ökonomische Herausforderung Familie : was Staat und Unternehmen bereits heute tun und was sie in Zukunft tun sollten / Andrea Pfingstl
Poor -- Services for -- New York (State) -- Ithaca : In the matter of Assembly bill no. 2545 to amend chapter 358 of the laws of 1893, entitled "An act to provide for the support of the poor in the city of Ithaca" : relative to providing funds for the Board of Health : brief against the bill / Wm Nelson Noble