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Poor -- Asia, Central : Income support for the poorest : a review of experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Emil Tesliuc [and three others] ; cover design, Debra Naylor  2014 1
Poor -- Asia -- Finance, Personal.   2
Poor -- Asia -- Finance, Personal -- Case studies. : Banking with the poor : report and recommendations based on case studies prepared by leading Asian banks and non governmental organisations  1992 1
Poor -- Asia -- Finance, Personal -- Congresses. : Banking with the poor : report and recommendations based on case studies prepared by leading Asian banks and non governmental organisations  1992 1
Poor -- Attitudes.   14
Poor -- Australia.   73
Poor -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.)   2
Poor -- Australia -- Attitudes. : On the bread line : oral records of poverty / [compiled and edited by] Graeme F. Brewer for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence  1980 1
Poor -- Australia -- Biography. : On the bread line : oral records of poverty / [compiled and edited by] Graeme F. Brewer for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence  1980 1
Poor -- Australia -- Case studies.   3
Poor -- Australia -- Congresses.   2
Poor -- Australia -- Fiction. : Naked prodigal / William Dick  1969 1
Poor -- Australia -- History.   3
Poor -- Australia -- History -- 19th century. : Poor Australian immigrants in the nineteenth century / edited by Eric Richards  1991 1
Poor -- Australia -- History -- Congresses. : Poor Australian immigrants in the nineteenth century / edited by Eric Richards  1991 1
Poor -- Australia -- Juvenile fiction. : The sack / Christobel Mattingley ; illustrated by Simon Kneebone  1993 1
Poor -- Australia -- Juvenile literature.   2
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne -- Biography : Brotherhood : stories of courage and resilience / Jeff O'Hare  2009 1
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.)   11
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) -- Attitudes. : Intergenerational poverty life styles and income maintenance : an analysis of the cultural and situational views of poverty / Gordon W. Ternowetsky  1980 1
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) -- History. : The Outcasts of Melbourne : essays in social history / edited by Graeme Davison, David Dunstan, Chris McConville  1985 1
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) -- Social conditions. : The Outcasts of Melbourne : essays in social history / edited by Graeme Davison, David Dunstan, Chris McConville  1985 1
Poor -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) -- Statistics. : Unequal lives? : low income and the life chances of three-year-olds / Tim Gilley and Janet Taylor  1995 1
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales.   3
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- History. : Poverty's prison : the poor in New South Wales 1880-1918 / Anne O'Brien  1988 1
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Surry Hills -- Drama : Poor man's orange  2008 1
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Surry Hills -- Fiction   2
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Living on the edge : the study of 90 low income families / by Philippa Smith  1982 1
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney, Western : The great divide : poverty and wealth in Western and outer South-Western Sydney : a report / compiled by Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Parramatta and Wollongong Diocesan Councils ; [written by Tony Vinson and Paul Power]  1999 1
Poor -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Western Sydney : The great divide : poverty and wealth in Western and outer South-Western Sydney : a report / compiled by Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Parramatta and Wollongong Diocesan Councils ; [written by Tony Vinson and Paul Power]  1999 1
Poor -- Australia -- Queensland. : Drawing the line on poverty : an assessment of poverty and disadvantage in Queensland / Trish Thornthwaite, Coralie Kingston and Peter Walsh  1995 1
Poor -- Australia -- Social conditions.   2
Poor -- Australia -- South Australia -- Adelaide   2
Poor -- Australia -- South Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) : Revealing the hidden city : responding to poverty in central Adelaide  1999 1
Poor -- Australia -- Statistics. : Understanding and improving data quality relating to low-income households / David Johnson and Rosanna Scutella  2004 1
Poor -- Australia -- Surry Hills (N.S.W.) -- Fiction : Ruth Park's Harp in the south novels  1987 1
Poor -- Australia -- Sydney (N.S.W.) -- Juvenile fiction. : The best of the bunch / Nance Donkin ; illustrated by Edwina Bell  1978 1
Poor -- Australia -- Tasmania.   2
Poor -- Australia -- Victoria.   5
Poor -- Australia -- Victoria -- Finance, Personal. : To their credit : evaluating an experiment with personal loans for people on low incomes / Rosanna Scutella and Genevieve Sheehan  2006 1
Poor -- Australia -- Victoria -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : The low-income person's survival kit / Action and Resource Centre for Low-income Families  1980 1
Poor -- Australia -- Western Sydney (N.S.W.) : The great divide : poverty and wealth in Western and outer South-Western Sydney : a report / compiled by Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Parramatta and Wollongong Diocesan Councils ; [written by Tony Vinson and Paul Power]  1999 1
Poor -- Bangladesh   2
Poor -- Bangladesh -- Chattogram : Iron crows / producer/marketer, Min-Chul Kim ; director, Bong-Nam Park  2009 1
Poor -- Bangladesh -- Finance. : Does microfinance fight social exclusion and poverty? : Bangladesh evidence / by Mohshin Habib  2008 1
Poor -- Bangladesh -- Social conditions : Beyond Ending Poverty : the Dynamics of Microfinance in Bangladesh / Shahidur R. Khandker, M.A. Baqui Khalily, Hussain A. Samad  2016 1
Poor -- Belgium -- Antwerp -- History : Social change and the labouring poor : Antwerp, 1770-1860 / Catharina Lis  1986 1
Poor Berkshire (England) History : The Speenhamland County : poverty and the poor laws in Berkshire, 1782-1834 / Mark Neuman  1982 1
Poor -- Biblical teaching.   4
Poor -- Biography. : Brotherhood : stories of courage and resilience / Jeff O'Hare  2009 1
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