Political atrocities -- Soviet Union -- History : The Kirov murder and Soviet history / Matthew E. Lenoe ; translations by Matthew E. Lenoe ; documents compiled by Mikhail Prozumenshchikov
Political atrocities -- Spain -- Historiography : Sites of memory in Spain and Latin America : trauma, politics, and resistance / edited by Aída Díaz de León, Marina Llorente, and Marcella Salvi
Political ballads and songs -- England : The Political songs of England from the reign of John to that of Edward II / edited and translated by Thomas Wright
Political ballads and songs, English : Political poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the Accession of EDW. III to that of RIC. III / edited by Thomas Wright
Political ballads and songs -- Europe : Völker hört die Signale : Lieder der Europäischen Arbeiterbewegung / [Zusammenstellung und Textgestaltung, Gerd Kramer und Klaus Wettig ; herausgegeben von der Gruppe der SPD-Abgeordneten im Europäischen Parlament]
Political ballads and songs -- Great Britain -- Texts. : A Collection of loyal songs written against the rump Parliament, between the years 1639 and 1661 : containing a great variety of merry and diverting characters and the Chief Sectaries ... in two volumes
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Here are entered works on the use of radio as a medium of communication in the political process. Works on the interrelations between radio and political institutions are entered under Radio broadcasting--Political aspects
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For campaign literature related to United States elections during the period 1800-1948, this heading is authorized to be qualified by date and divided by names of political parties and by place, e.g. Campaign literature, 1840--Whig--Virginia. For campaign literature or works on campaign literature related to post-1948 United States elections or to elections in other countries during all periods, the heading may not be qualified by date and may be divided only by place