Poland Intergovernmental fiscal relations : Fiscal design across levels of government year 2000 surveys : country report : Poland, final, 17th May, 2001 / OECD Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs, Centre on Tax Policy and Administration
Poland International business enterprises Management : Market entry strategies in Eastern Europe in the context of the European Union : an empirical research into German firms entering the Polish market / Michael Klug
Poland Internet auctions : Zachowania konsumentów a kształtowanie się ceny dóbr używanych na rynku elektronicznym / Łukasz Zakonnik
Poland Internet in education : Exploring the virtual world of learning across generations : information and communications technology for the educational support of immigrant youth / Marcin Rojek, Joanna Leek, Petr Svoboda
Poland Investments, Foreign Case studies : Emerging market local currency bond yields and foreign holdings in the post-Lehman period : a fortune or misfortune? / prepared by Christian Ebeke and Yinqiu Lu
Poland Investments, Swedes : SKF in Poland : foreign exchange rate corporate reporting / prepared by professor Francisco Carrada-Bravo
Poland Israel Relations : The hysteria over the Polish law / by Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen
Poland Israelis Travel : Above the death pits, beneath the flag : youth voyages to Poland and the performance of Israeli National identity / Jackie Feldman
Poland Italy Relations : Italia e Polonia : Popoli e Lingue in Contatto / Stanislaw Widlak