Poland -- Economic conditions -- 1990- -- Statistics : Republic of Poland, staff report for the 1999 Article IV consultation / [prepared by the staff representatives for the 1999 consulation with the Republic of Poland]
Poland Economic forecasting : Republic of Poland : arrangement under the flexible credit line and cancellation of the current arrangement: staff report: press release: and statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Poland
Poland -- Economic policy -- 21st century : New cohesion policy of the European Union in Poland : how it will influence the investment attractiveness of regions in 2014-2020 / Adam A. Ambroziak, editor
Poland Education Social aspects : Scrutinising Elites and Schooling in Post-Communist Poland Globalisation, European Integration, Socialist Heritage, and Tradition
Poland Election law : Wolność wypowiedzi w kampaniach wyborczych / Patryk Kowalski
Poland Elections : Decision : September 1990 - January 1991 / produced by Boleslaw Sulik
Poland Elections Case studies : Electoral systems and turnout : evidence from a regression discontinuity design / Jaroslaw Kantorowicz & Tobias M. Hlobil
Poland -- Emigration and immigration -- Attitudes : From reception to integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Poland / Karolina Sobczak-Szelc, Marta Pachocka, Konrad Pędziwiatr, Justyna Szałańska and Monika Szulecka