Here are entered general works on poetry and works limited to the philosophy of poetry. Works discussing collectively the technique and philosophy of poetry and works limited to the technique of poetry are entered under Poetics --subdivision Poetry under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars, names of deities and mythological or legendary figures, and under individual and groups of fictitious and legendary characters, and topical headings; and headings for poetry qualified by linguistic, national, or regional terms, e.g. Yiddish poetry; American poetry; West African poetry
Poetry Physicians Malpractice Peru : Guerras físicas, proezas medicales, hazañas de la ignorancia / Juan del Valle y Caviedes ; edición, estudio preliminar y anotación, Carlos Fernando Cabanillas Cárdenas
Poetry Pierre I, King of Cyprus, -1369 : La prise d'Alixandre = The taking of Alexandria / Guillaume de Machaut ; edited and translated by R. Barton Palmer
Poetry Pioneers Australia : The pioneers / written expressly by Alexander Sutherland, for recitation by Miss Shoppee at the Old Colonists Hall Ballarat on Thursday August 21st 1890
Poetry Plato Knowledge : Plato and the poets / edited by Pierre Destrée, Fritz-Gregor Herrmann
Poetry Play : Emily loves to bounce / words and pictures Stephen Michael King
Poetry Plunket, Oliver, Saint, 1629-1681 : The Ghosts of Edward Fits Harris and Oliver Plunket, who was lately executed at Tyburn for high-treason : with their sentiments about the times
Poetry Poland : Pan Tadeusz, or, The last foray in Lithuania / by Adam Mickiewicz ; translated by Watson Kirkconnell ; with an introductory essay by William J. Rose and notes by Harold B. Segel