Poelzig, Hans, 1869-1936. : Hans Poelzig : reflections on his life and work / Julius Posener ; edited by Kristin Feireiss ; [translated by Christine Charlesworth]
Here are entered general works on poetry and works limited to the philosophy of poetry. Works discussing collectively the technique and philosophy of poetry and works limited to the technique of poetry are entered under Poetics --subdivision Poetry under names of countries, cities, etc., individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, individual wars, names of deities and mythological or legendary figures, and under individual and groups of fictitious and legendary characters, and topical headings; and headings for poetry qualified by linguistic, national, or regional terms, e.g. Yiddish poetry; American poetry; West African poetry
Poems Argueta, Jorge Selections : Flesh wounds : a poetic memoir / by Jorge Argueta ; prologue by Manlio Argueta ; En carne propia : memoria poética / por Jorge Argueta ; prólogo de Manilio Argueta
Poems Argueta, Jorge Selections English : Flesh wounds : a poetic memoir / by Jorge Argueta ; prologue by Manlio Argueta ; En carne propia : memoria poética / por Jorge Argueta ; prólogo de Manilio Argueta
Poems Barnes, William, 1801-1886 Selections : The sound of William Barnes's dialect poems. 1, Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect, first collection (1844) / by T.L. Burton
Poems Benn, Gottfried, 1886-1956 Selections : Verwandlung als anthropologisches motiv in der lyrik Gottfried Benns. Band 1 : textgenetische edition ausgewählter gedichte aus den jahren 1935 bis 1953 / Thorsten Ries
Poems Berrigan, Ted Selections : The selected poems of Ted Berrigan / edited by Alice Notley, Anselm Berrigan, and Edmund Berrigan
For works limited to one school, the heading is qualified by nationality and subdivided by place, and an additional subject entry is made under the name of the school