Plays, French : The misanthrope, and other plays / Jean Molière ; translated with an introduction by John Wood
Plays Gao, Xingjian Selections English : Drama for students. Volume 21 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by Carole L. Hamilton
Plays Greenberg, Richard, 1958- Selections : Drama for students. Volume 32 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Plays on names : What's in a name? : the significance of proper names in classical Latin literature / editors, Joan Booth and Robert Maltby ; contributors, Frédérique Biville [and others]
Plays on names -- Congresses : What's in a name? : the significance of proper names in classical Latin literature / editors, Joan Booth and Robert Maltby ; contributors, Frédérique Biville [and others]
Plays on words-China : The Class and Gender Politics of Chinese Online Discourse Ambivalence, Sociopolitical Tensions and Co-Option
Plays on words -- Early works to 1800 : The Muse at Play : Riddles and Wordplay in Greek and Latin Poetry / edited by Jan Kwapisz, David Petrain and Mikolaj Szymanski
Here are entered the scripts of television plays and works about television plays. This heading is not used for produced television programs, which are entered under headings appropriate to the content, genre, and/or form of the program
Playschools : The playgroup handbook / Laura Peabody Broad, Nancy Towner Butterworth
Here are entered works on drama as a literary form. Works on drama as acted on the stage are entered under Theater. Works on facilities used to stage drama are entered under Theaters --subdivision Drama under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons, families, and corporate bodies, under classes of persons and ethnic groups, under names of deities and mythological or legendary figures, individual and groups of fictitious and legendary characters, and topical headings for plays, musical dramatic works, fictional visual materials, or fictional non-music sound recordings on those subjects; and headings for drama qualified by linguistic, national or regional terms, e.g. Latin drama; American drama; European drama