Plant competition -- Tropics : The competitiveness of tropical agriculture : a guide to competitive potential with case studies / Roger D. Norton ; with Amy Angel [and more]
Plant conservation -- Australasia. : Conservation of rare or threatened plants in Australasia : the proceedings of the Conference, Protective Custody--Ex Situ Plant Conservation in Australasia / editors, Geoff Butler, Lyn Meredith and Mark Richardson
Plant conservation -- Australasia -- Congresses. : Conservation of rare or threatened plants in Australasia : the proceedings of the Conference, Protective Custody--Ex Situ Plant Conservation in Australasia / editors, Geoff Butler, Lyn Meredith and Mark Richardson
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Congresses. : Species at Risk : Research in Australia : Proceedings of a Symposium on the Biology of Rare and Endangered Species in Australia, Sponsored by the Australian Academy of Science and Held in Canberra, 25 and 26 November 1981 / Edited by R.H. Groves, W.D.L. Ride
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Dandenong Ranges (Vic.) : A review of the sites of botanical significance in the Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges region. Volume 1 / prepared by A.R.G. McMahon ... [and others] for Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Pilbara (W.A.) : Pilbara seed atlas and field guide : plant restoration in Australia's arid northwest / editors: Todd E Erickson, Russell L Barrett, David J Merritt and Kingsley W Dixon
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Victoria -- Citizen participation. : Keeping the bush in our backyards : encouraging your local community to protect remnant vegetation / prepared by Context Pty Ltd for the Conservation Council of Victoria ; [Anne McGregor and Janet Rice ... text]
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Victoria -- Congresses. : Victoria's flora and fauna : can it survive the greenhouse effect? : proceedings of the conference of Sunday 3 March 1991, Copeland Theatre, University of Melbourne / hosted by the Victorian National Parks Association
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Victoria -- Goulburn Region : Goulburn Broken native vegetation plan / prepared by Goulburn Broken Vegetation Plan Steering Committee and Goulburn Broken Biodiversity Committee on behalf of Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
Plant conservation -- Australia -- Victoria -- Otway Range : Preliminary assessment of the effect on flora conservation of the proposed intensive harvesting of timber in the Otway Ranges : report to the Ecological Survey Co-ordinating Committee of the Ministry for Conservation, May 1982 / by Rosemary A. Hook