--subdivision Pathophysiology under individual diseases and types of diseases, individual organs and regions of the body, and individual chemicals and groups of chemicalas, e.g. Cancer--Pathophysiology; Heart--Pathophysiology; Insulin--Pathophysiology
physiopathology Acute Pain : From acute to chronic back pain : risk factors, mechanisms, and clinical implications / edited by Monika I. Hasenbring, Adina C. Rusu, Dennis C. Turk
physiopathology Adenocarcinoma : Salivary gland tumours / [editors], Jerzy Klijanienko, Philippe Vielh ; in collaboration with John D. [i.e. G.] Batsakis [and others]
physiopathology Alkalosis : Channelopathies : common mechanisms in aura, arrhythmia, and alkalosis / [edited] by Frank Lehmann-Horn and Karin Jurkat-Rott
physiopathology Altitude Sickness : Management of high altitude pathophysiology / edited by Kshipra Misra, Priyanka Sharma, Anuja Bhardwaj
physiopathology Amnesia : The amnesias : a clinical textbook of memory disorders / Andrew C. Papanicolaou ; with Rebecca Billingsley-Marshall [and others]
physiopathology Anemia : Recombinant human erythropoeitin (rhEPO) in clinical oncology : scientific and clinical aspects of anemia in cancer / Mohammad Resa Nowrousian (ed.)
physiopathology Anemia, Aplastic : Aplastic anemia : pathophysiology and treatment / edited by Hubert Schrezenmeier and Andrea Bacigalupo
physiopathology Animal Diseases : Mechanisms of disease : a textbook of comparative general pathology / David O. Slauson, Barry J. Cooper
physiopathology Aortic Aneurysm : Aortic aneurysms : pathogenesis and treatment / edited by Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr., Enrique Criado ; foreword by Raman Berguer