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Book Cover
Author John Paul, Pope II, 1920-2005

Title The acting person / Karol Wojtyła ; translated from the Polish by Andrzej Potocki
Published Dordrecht ; Boston : D. Reidel Pub. Co., 1979


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description xxiii, 367 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Series Analecta Husserliana ; v. 10
Analecta Husserliana ; v. 10
Contents Consciousness and efficacy. The acting person in the aspect of consciousness ; An analysis of efficacy in the light of human dynamism -- The transcendence of the person in the action. The personal structure of self-determination ; Self-determination and fulfillment -- The integration of the person in the action. Integration and the soma ; Personal integration and the psyche -- Participation. Intersubjectivity by participation
Summary Originally entitled Osoba i Czyn and published in Poland in 1969, The Acting Person is the official English translation and has been thoroughly edited and revised with the collaboration of the author. The book stresses that man must ceaselessly unravel his mysteries and strive for a new and more mature expression of his nature. The author sees this expression as an emphasis on the significance of the individual living in community and on the person in the process of performing an action. The author states in his preface that he has tried to face the major issues concerning life, nature, and the existence of man directly as they present themselves to man in his struggles to survive while maintaining the dignity of a human being, but who is torn apart between his all too limited condition and his highest aspirations to set himself free. --From publisher's description
Analysis Act (Philosophy)
Husserl, Edmund, 1859-1938 - Societies, periodicals, etc
Man Actions
Man Actions - Philosophical perspectives
Phenomenological anthropology
Philosophical anthropology
Notes "This definitive text of the work established in collaboration with the author by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka."
"Translated and revised from the 1969 Polish edition, Osoba i czyn."
Includes index
Includes indexes
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Notes Translation and revision of: Osoba i Czyn
Subject Act (Philosophy)
Phenomenological anthropology.
Philosophical anthropology.
Author Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa.
LC no. 78031349
ISBN 9027709696 (library binding)
9789027709691 (library binding)
Other Titles Osoba i czyn. English
Osoba i czyn. English