Here are entered works on foods that have a positive impact on an individual's health, physical performance or state of mind, in addition to their nutritive value
Pharmaindustrie. : The new political economy of pharmaceuticals : production, innnovation and trips in the global south / edited by Hans Löfgren, associate professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University, Australia and Owain David Williams, research fellow, Centre for Health and International Relations, Aberystwyth University, UK
Pharmakologischer Antagonist : New treatments for addiction : behavioral, ethical, legal, and social questions / Committee on Immunotherapies and Sustained-Release formations for Treating Drug Addiction ; Henrick J. Harwood and Tracy G. Myers, editors
Pharos Lighthouse (Alexandria, Egypt) / : Ancient impossible. Extreme engineering / directors, Stuart Clarke, Bo Channon, Ben Mole, Geoff Evans, David O'Neill ; US producer, Katie Gilbert ; produced by Wild Dream Films for H2 Network
Pharoux, Pierre -- Diaries : Castorland journal : an account of the exploration and settlement of northern New York State by French émigrés in the years 1793 to 1797 / Simon Desjardins & Pierre Pharoux ; edited and translated by John A. Gallucci
Pharr, Wayne, 1950- : Nine lives of a Black Panther : a story of survival / Wayne Pharr
Pharsalia Lucan, 39-65 English : The plays and poems of Nicholas Rowe. Volume V, Lucan's Pharsalia (Books IV-X) / general editor: Stephen Bernard ; edited by Robin Sowerby
Pharsalia Lucan, 39-65 Liber 4 : A commentary on Lucan, De bello civili IV : introduction, edition and translation / by Paolo Asso
Pharsalia Lucan, 39-65 Liber 9 : Studien zum 9. Buch von Lucans Bellum Civile : mit einem Kommentar zu den Versen 1-733 / von Martin Seewald