Substances which are of little or no therapeutic value, but are necessary in the manufacture, compounding, storage, etc., of pharmaceutical preparations or drug dosage forms. They include SOLVENTS, diluting agents, and suspending agents, and emulsifying agents. Also, ANTIOXIDANTS; PRESERVATIVES, PHARMACEUTICAL; COLORING AGENTS; FLAVORING AGENTS; VEHICLES; EXCIPIENTS; OINTMENT BASES
Here are entered technical works on chemical analysis to determine the composition or presence of drugs. Works on testing the effectiveness or safety of drugs are entered under Drugs--Testing. Works on testing to identify the personal use or misuse of drugs are entered under Drug testing
Pharmaceutical arithmetic -- Textbooks. : The nurse, the math, the meds : drug calculations using dimensional analysis / Joyce M. Mulholland, MS, RN, ANP, MA, Nursing Education Consultant, Tucson, Arizona, MS Nursing, California State University, Long Beach, California, MA Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, BS, Fairleigh Dickinson College, Rutherford, New Jersey, former Captain, USAF Reserve, 41st Casualty Staging Unit, Luke AFB, Arizona, Susan J. Turner, MSN, RN, FNP, MS, RN, FNP, Professor of Nursing, Gavilan Community College, Gilroy, California, Family Nurse Practitioner, Rota-Care Free Clinic, Gilroy, California, Family Nurse Practitioner and Nursing, Indian Acres & Forest Acres Summer Camps, Fryeberg, Maine, FNP, State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, MSN, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, BSN, California Stte University, Bakersfield, California
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australia) -- Auditing : Medicare Australia's administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme : Medicare Australia, Department of Health and Ageing, Department of Human Services / the Auditor-General
Here are entered works on microbiology as applied to pharmaceutical processes, i.e., the synthesis, modification, and assay of antibiotics and other therapeutic or diagnostic agents. Works on the contamination or spoilage of pharmaceutical preparations by microorganisms or microbial products are entered under Drugs--Microbiology
Pharmaceutical biotechnology -- Safety measures -- Congresses. : Safety evaluation of biotechnologically-derived pharmaceuticals : facilitating a scientific approach : proceedings of a CMR International Workshop held at Ashdown Park Hotel, Wych Cross, UK, February 1997 / edited by Susan A. Griffiths and Cyndy E. Lumley
Pharmaceutical biotechnology -- United States -- Congresses : Emerging safety science : workshop summary / Sally Robinson, Robert Pool, and Robert Giffin [rapporteurs] ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Math calculations done for preparing appropriate doses of medicines, taking into account conversions of WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Mistakes are one of the sources of MEDICATION ERRORS
Math calculations done for preparing appropriate doses of medicines, taking into account conversions of WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Mistakes are one of the sources of MEDICATION ERRORS
Total pharmaceutical services provided by qualified PHARMACISTS. In addition to the preparation and distribution of medical products, they may include consultative services provided to agencies and institutions which do not have a qualified pharmacist