Petyt, Maria, 1623-1677. : Maria Petyt : a Carmelite mystic in wartime / edited by Joseph Chalmers, Elisabeth Hense, Veronie Meeuwsen, Esther van de Vate
Peul (langue) -- Dictionnaires anglais. : A Fulfulde (Maasina)-English-French lexicon : a root based compilation drawn from extant sources followed by English-Fulfulde and French-Fulfulde listings / by Donald W. Osborn, David J. Dwyer, Joseph I. Donohoe, Jr
Peul (langue) -- Dictionnaires français. : A Fulfulde (Maasina)-English-French lexicon : a root based compilation drawn from extant sources followed by English-Fulfulde and French-Fulfulde listings / by Donald W. Osborn, David J. Dwyer, Joseph I. Donohoe, Jr
Peul (volk) : African entrepreneurship : Muslim Fula merchants in Sierra Leone / Alusine Jalloh
Peur chez lenfant : Managing Big Feelings and Hidden Fears A Practical Guidebook for 'Who's Afraid of the Monster?'
Peur du crime -- Cartographie. : Putting fear of crime on the map : investigating perceptions of crime using geographic information systems / by Bruce J. Doran, Melissa B. Burgess
Peursen, C. A. van, 1920-1996. : Facts and values : philosophical reflections from western and non-western perspectives / edited by M.C. Doeser, J.N. Kraay