Petroleum -- Taxation -- Mexico : Efectos económicos de políticas sociales y energéticas en México : dos estudios de caso con una matriz de contabilidad social y un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado / Gaspar Núñez Rodríguez
Petroleum -- Thermal properties. : Thermophysical properties of heavy petroleum fluids / Bernardo Carreón-Calderón, Verónica Uribe-Vargas, Juan Pablo Aguayo
Petroleum -- Timor-Leste : Atlas of mineral resources of the ESCAP region. Vol. 17, Geology and mineral resources of Timor-Leste / Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Petroleum -- Toxicology : Permissible exposure levels for selected military fuel vapors / Subcommittee on Permissible Exposure Levels for Military Fuels, Committee on Toxicology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Here are entered works on the physical transfer of petroleum products, typically from ship to ship and occasionally involving the interim storage of the petroleum product as well
Petroleum -- Transportation -- Economic aspects. : OPEC, the Gulf, and the world petroleum market : a study in government policy and downstream operations / Fereidun Fesharaki and David T. Isaak ; with a foreword by Harrison Brown
Petroleum -- Transportation -- North America : Delivering the Goods : Making the Most of North America's Evolving Oil Infrastructure / authors, Frank A. Verrastro [and four others]