Plant Resistance To Parasitic Nematodes; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1. Resistance to Plant-parasitic Nematodes: History, Current Use and Future Potential; 2. Concepts and Consequences of Resistance; 3. Root-knot Nematodes: Meloidogyne Species; 4. Cyst Nematodes: Globodera and Heterodera Species; 5. Ditylenchus Species; 6. Foliar Nematodes: Aphelenchoides Species; 7. Reniform Nematodes: Rotylenchulus Species; 8. Migratory Endoparasites: Pratylenchus and Radopholus Species; 9. The Citrus Nematode: Tylenchulus semipenetrans; 10. The Yam Nematode: Scutellonema bradys
This book describes methods for evaluating the resistance and tolerance of plant cultivars to important parasitic nematode species, such as root-knot, cyst and reniform, and discusses the concepts and consequences of resistance. This book provides an invaluable source of information to all plant pathologists, nematologists and plant breeders