Pertussis Vaccine -- adverse effects : Adverse effects of pertussis and rubella vaccines : a report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines / Christopher P. Howson, Cynthia J. Howe, and Harvey V. Fineberg, editors ; Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine
Peru Accident victims : Du Pont show of the month. Thornton Wilder's "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" / adapted for television by Ludi Claire ; produced by David Susskind ; directed by Robert Mulligan
Peru Accounting Periodicals : Contabilidad y negocios : revista del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Administrativas
Peru Aging : Aging within transnational families : the case of older Peruvians / Vincent Horn
Peru Agricultural ecology Mantaro River Valley : Land-use in the Andes : ecology and agriculture in the Mantaro Valley of Peru with special reference to potatoes / Enrique Mayer ; research assistance, map development, and graphics by Richard C. Shea
Peru Agricultural industries Case studies : The Bazán family business : challenges for continuing the family legacy / María Piedad López-Vergara, Sanjay Goel, Gonzalo Gómez-Betancourt
Peru Agricultural laborers : Towards a comparative political economy of unfree labour : case studies and debates / Tom Brass
Peru Agriculture : Architects of change. Series 2, episode 1, The traditional and the new / les Productions Vic Pelletier, Lato Sensu Productions present ; direction, Jean Bourbonnais
Peru Agriculture, Cooperative Vicos : Vicos and beyond : a half century of applying anthropology in Peru / edited by Tom Greaves, Ralph Bolton, and Florencia Zapata
Peru Agriculture Economic aspects Mantaro River Valley : Land-use in the Andes : ecology and agriculture in the Mantaro Valley of Peru with special reference to potatoes / Enrique Mayer ; research assistance, map development, and graphics by Richard C. Shea
Peru -- Allpachico : Dimensions of development : history, community, and change in Allpachico, Peru / Susan Vincent
Peru Alternative medicine : Mama Irene : healer of the Andes / directed by Elisabeth Mohlmann, Bettina Ehrhardt ; produced by Elisabeth Mohlmann, Blaze A Path Productions
Peru Anti-globalization movement : Architects of change. Series 1, episode 2, Philantropy and capitalism : an unlikely marriage? / les Productions Vic Pelletier, Lato Sensu Productions present ; direction-script, Sylvain Braun
Peru Anti-imperialist movements History : Indians and mestizos in the "lettered city" : reshaping justice, social hierarchy, and political culture in colonial Peru / Alcira Dueñas
Perú Antropología cultural y social : Etnias del imperio de los incas : reinos, senorios, curacazgos y cacicatos. Volumen 2 / Waldemar Espinoza Soriano
Peru Appellate courts History : The protectors of Indians in the Royal Audience of Lima : history, careers and legal culture, 1575-1775 / by Mauricio Novoa
Peru Applied anthropology Vicos : Vicos and beyond : a half century of applying anthropology in Peru / edited by Tom Greaves, Ralph Bolton, and Florencia Zapata