Peru -- Huamachuco (Province) : En la tierra del oráculo de Catequil : arqueología de Huamachuco antiguo / John R. Topic y Theresa Lange Topic ; textos traducidos por Rafael Valdez Velásquez-López
Peru -- Huancané (Province) : Unseasonal migrations : the effects of rural labor scarcity in Peru / Jane L. Collins
Peru -- Huancavelica : Mercury, Mining, and Empire : the Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes
Peru -- Huanoquite : Quinoa : food politics and agrarian life in the Andean highlands / Linda J. Seligmann
Peru -- Huanta (Province) : The plebeian republic : the Huanta rebellion and the making of the Peruvian state, 1820-1850 / Cecilia Méndez
Peru Huaynos Lima History and criticism : Gentleman troubadours and Andean pop stars : huayno music, media work, and ethnic imaginaries in urban Peru / Joshua Tucker
Peru Huaynos Music : Dancing with the Incas / camera, directed, and produced by John Cohen
Peru Human remains (Archaeology) Ancash : Wari Women from Huarmey : bioarchaeological interpretation of human remains from the Wari Elite Mausoleum at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru / Wiesław Więckowski
Peru Human rights workers Biography : The surrendered : reflections by a son of Shining path / José Carlos Agüero ; translated by Michael J. Lazzara and Charles F. Walker ; edited by Michael J. Lazzara and Charles F. Walker
Peru Human services Finance : Education and health expenditure, and development : the cases of Indonesia and Peru / edited by Christian Morrisson
Peru Human settlements Cuzco : Cusco : urbanism and archaeology in the Inka world / Ian Farrington ; foreword by Michael E. Smith, Marilyn A. Masson, and John W. Janusek