Peru Anti-imperialist movements History : Indians and mestizos in the "lettered city" : reshaping justice, social hierarchy, and political culture in colonial Peru / Alcira Dueñas
Perú Antropología cultural y social : Etnias del imperio de los incas : reinos, senorios, curacazgos y cacicatos. Volumen 2 / Waldemar Espinoza Soriano
Peru Appellate courts History : The protectors of Indians in the Royal Audience of Lima : history, careers and legal culture, 1575-1775 / by Mauricio Novoa
Peru Applied anthropology Vicos : Vicos and beyond : a half century of applying anthropology in Peru / edited by Tom Greaves, Ralph Bolton, and Florencia Zapata
Peru -- Appropriations and expenditures : Education and health expenditure, and development : the cases of Indonesia and Peru / edited by Christian Morrisson
Peru Archaeological site location : The hidden secrets of Lake Titicaca / directed by Frederic Cordier ; produced by Frederic Cordier
Peru Archaeologists : Los desafíos del tiempo, el espacio y la memoria : ensayos en homenaje a Peter Kaulicke / Rafael Vega-Centeno, Jalh Dulanto, editores
Peru Archaeologists Biography : The life and writings of Julio C. Tello : America's first indigenous archaeologist / edited by Richard L. Burger
Peru Archaeology Sierra Congresses : El estudio del mundo andino : Seminario Interdisciplinar Písac 2009-2018, Programa de Estudios Andinos / Marco Curatola Petrocchi, editor
Peru Athletes with disabilities : Rodar contra todo = Rolling strong / Perú Ministerio de Cultura, Blue Producciones presenta ; guión, dirección y producción, Marianela Vega Oroza