Personlige fortellinger (Form) : A diary of darkness : the wartime diary of Kiyosawa Kiyoshi / foreword by Marius Jansen ; edited with an introduction by Eugene Soviak ; translated by Eugene Soviak and Kamiyama Tamie
Personnalité et culture -- Amérique du Nord. : Handbook of multicultural perspectives on stress and coping / edited by Paul T.P. Wong, Lilian C.J. Wong ; foreword by Walter J. Lonner
personnalité politique. : Politicized Justice in Emerging Democracies : a Study of Courts in Russia and Ukraine
Personnalité publique. : The news interview : journalists and public figures on the air / Steven Clayman and John Heritage, University of California, Los Angeles
Personnalité, Troubles de la -- Thérapeutique. : Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders : Highly Effective Interventions for the Most Common Personality Disorders
Personne (linguistique) -- Thèses et écrits académiques. : The personal pronouns in the Germanic languages : a study of personal pronoun morphology and change in the Germanic languages from the first records to the present day / Stephen Howe
--subdivision Employees under names of persons and individual nongovernment corporate bodies and under types of industries, services, establishments or institutions; also subdivision Officials and employees under names of countries, cities, etc., and under types of government agencies and names of individual international and governmental agencies; and phrase headings for particular types of employees and workers
personnel administratif. : Computer chips and paper clips : technology and women's employment / Heidi I. Hartmann, Robert E. Kraut, and Louise A. Tilly, editors ; Panel on Technology and Women's Employment, Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Here are entered works on that field of management which has the fundamental responsibility for recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, developing and caring for the general welfare of employees. Works on the managing of employees by their supervisors so that duties are performed according to instructions are entered under Supervision of employees. Works dealing with employer-employee relations in general are entered under Industrial relations --subdivision Personnel management under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of industries and organizations, e.g. United States. Navy--Personnel management; Construction industry--Personnel management; Hospitals--Personnel management
personnel administration. : The diversity code : unlock the secrets to making differences work in the real world / Michelle T. Johnson
Health care workers specially trained and licensed to assist and support the work of health professionals. Often used synonymously with paramedical personnel, the term generally refers to all health care workers who perform tasks which must otherwise be performed by a physician or other health professional