Perception (Philosophy) -- Early works to 1800 : A Hindu critique of Buddhist epistemology : Kumarila on perception : the 'Determination of perception' chapter of Kumarilabhatta's Slokavarttika / translation and commentary, John Taber ; foreword by Francis Clooney
Perception -- Physiological aspects -- Congresses. : Recognition of pattern and form : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Texas at Austin, March 22-24, 1979 / edited by Duane G. Albrecht
--subdivision Public opinion under names of individual persons, corporate bodies, and topical subjects; also subdivision Appreciation under names of individual literary or artistic persons; also subdivision Attitudes under classes of persons and ethnic groups; also subdivisions Public opinion or Foreign public opinion under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Public opinion; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Foreign public opinion; and subdivision Foreign public opinion under names of countries, etc
Perception spatiale chez l'enfant. : Understanding and representing space : theory and evidence from studies with blind and sighted children / Susanna Millar
The process whereby an utterance is decoded into a representation in terms of linguistic units (sequences of phonetic segments which combine to form lexical and grammatical morphemes)
The process by which the nature and meaning of tactile stimuli are recognized and interpreted by the brain, such as realizing the characteristics or name of an object being touched
The process by which the nature and meaning of gustatory stimuli are recognized and interpreted by the brain. The four basic classes of taste perception are salty, sweet, bitter, and sour
Perception -- Testing : Process and personality : actualization of the personal world with process-oriented methods / Gudmund J.W. Smith, Ingegerd M. Carlsson (editors)
Perception -- Testing -- Congresses : Process and personality : actualization of the personal world with process-oriented methods / Gudmund J.W. Smith, Ingegerd M. Carlsson (editors)