Pelargoniums -- Therapeutic use : Geranium and pelargonium : the genera geranium and pelargonium / edited by Maria Lis-Balchin
Pelasgi. : Horæ Pelasgicæ, part the first, containing an inquiry into the origin and language of the Pelasgi, or, ancient inhabitants of Greece : with a description of the Pelasgic or æolic digamma as represented in the various inscriptions in which it is still preserved and an attempt to determine its genuine Pelasgic pronunciation / by Herbert Marsh
Pelasgian language. : Horæ Pelasgicæ, part the first, containing an inquiry into the origin and language of the Pelasgi, or, ancient inhabitants of Greece : with a description of the Pelasgic or æolic digamma as represented in the various inscriptions in which it is still preserved and an attempt to determine its genuine Pelasgic pronunciation / by Herbert Marsh
Pelée, Mount (Martinique) -- Eruption, 1902. : Mont Pelée and the tragedy of Martinique : a study of the great catastrophes of 1902, with observations and experiences in the field / by Angelo Heilprin ; illustrated with photographs largely taken by the author
Peleponnesus Burial Greece History To 1500 : Social identity and status in the Classical and Hellenistic Northern Peloponnese : the evidence from burials / Nikolas Dimakis
Pèlerin, Jean, -1524. De Artificiali perspectiva : On the rationalization of sight : with an examination of three Renaissance texts on perspective / William M. Ivins, Jr. De artificiali perspectiva : reproducing both the first edition (Toul, 1505) and the second edition (Toul, 1509) / Viator