Parturition -- Popular works. : Life before birth : the challenges of fetal development / by Peter W. Nathanielsz ; foreword by Sir Graham (Mont) Liggins ; illustrations by Paula DiSanto Bensadoun
Party affiliation -- Argentina : Non-policy politics : richer voters, poorer voters, and the diversification of electoral strategies / Ernesto Calvo, Maria Victoria Murillo
Party affiliation -- Chile : Non-policy politics : richer voters, poorer voters, and the diversification of electoral strategies / Ernesto Calvo, Maria Victoria Murillo
Party affiliation -- Europe : Beyond social democracy : the transformation of the left in emerging knowledge societies / edited by Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt
Party affiliation -- Europe, Central : Party organization and electoral volatility in Central and Eastern Europe : enhancing voter loyalty / Sergiu Gherghina
Party affiliation -- Iceland : Electoral politics in crisis after the great recession : change, fluctuations and stability in Iceland / Eva H. Önnudóttir, Agnar Freyr Helgason, Olafur Th. Hardarson, Hulda Thórisdóttir
Party affiliation -- India : Ideology and identity : the changing party systems of India / Pradeep K. Chhibber and Rahul Verma
Party affiliation -- Middle East : The politics of religious party change : Islamist and Catholic parties in comparative perspective / A. Kadir Yildirim
Party affiliation -- Sweden. : The personal and the political : how personal welfare state experiences affect politcal trust and ideology / by Staffan Kumlin