Partis du centre. : What's left of the left : Democrats and Social Democrats in challenging times / edited by James Cronin, George Ross, and James Shoch
Partis politiques -- Adhésion -- États-Unis. : Partisan hearts and minds : political parties and the social identities of voters / Donald Green, Bradley Palmquist, Eric Schickler
Partis politiques -- Etudes comparatives. : Electoral systems and party systems : a study of twenty-seven democracies, 1945-1990 / Arend Lijphart ; in collaboration with Don Aitkin [and others]
Here are entered general and historical works. Works on the military aspects of guerrilla warfare are entered under the heading Guerrilla warfare. International legal aspects of guerrilla warfare are entered under the heading Guerrillas (International law). Municipal criminal law is entered under the heading Guerrillas--Legal status, laws, etc --subdivision Underground movements under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Underground movements
Here are entered collections of suites for various mediums of performance. Individual suites and collections of suites for a specific medium of performance are entered under the heading followed by the medium. Works about the suite are entered under the heading Suite (Music)