Part songs -- History and criticism : Local and global understandings of creativities : multipart music making and the construction of ideas, contexts and contents / edited by Ardian Ahmedaja
Part songs -- Instruction and study -- Juvenile. : Partners! : 10 terrific partner songs for young singers. Teachers handbook / Arranged, with new words and music, by Mary Donnelly and George L. O. Strid; recording orchestrated by Tim Hayden
Part-songs, Provençal : Printemps des plaisirs au Moyen Age : lyrique courtoise XIIIe siècle
Part songs, Sacred -- See Also the narrower term Motets
Here are entered collections of motets for various mediums of performance. An additional heading for medium of performance is assigned to individual works and to collections of works for a specific medium
Part songs, Sacred -- France : Mignonne allons voir si la rose : Spiritual and amorous songs in Renaissance France = Geistliche und Liebeslieder der französischen Renaissance = Chansons spirituelles et amoureuses de la Renaissance Française / Guillaume Costeley
Part-time employment -- Europe -- Congresses. : Flexible working and organisational change : the integration of work and personal life / edited by Bram Peper, Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes, Laura den Dulk