Parenthood -- Congresses. : Childhood and parenthood : proceedings of ISA Committee for Family Research Conference on Children and Families, 1994 / edited by Julia Brannen and Margaret O'Brien
Parenthood -- Cross-cultural studies : Parenting from afar and the reconfiguration of family across distance / edited by Maria Rosario T. de Guzman, Jill Brown, and Carolyn Pope Edwards
Parenthood -- Czech Republic : Rodičovské dráhy : dvacet let vývoje české porodnosti v sociologické perspektivě / Petr Fučík, Beatrice Chromková Manea (eds.)
Parenthood -- Germany : Familien mit multipler Elternschaft : Entstehungszusammenhänge, Herausforderungen und Potentiale
Parenthood -- Germany -- Public opinion : Familienleitbilder in Deutschland : kulturelle Vorstellungen zu Partnerschaft, Elternschaft und Familienleben / Norbert F. Schneider, Sabine Diabaté, Kerstin Ruckdeschel (Hrsg.)
Parenthood -- Poland : Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective / Katarzyna Suwada
Parenthood -- Political aspects. : The politics of parenthood : child care, women's rights, and the myth of the good mother / Mary Frances Berry
Parenthood -- Popular works. : Feminology : a guide for womankind, giving in detail instructions as to motherhood, maidenhood, and the nursery / Florence Dressler, M.E., M. D
Here are entered works on education about childbirth, including classes for expectant parents. Works on professional education in obstetrics are entered under Obstetrics--Study and teaching. Works on education of fetuses in the womb are entered under Prenatal education
Parenthood -- Scandinavia : Family life in transition : borders, transnational mobility, and welfare society in Nordic countries / edited by Johanna Hiitola, Kati Turtiainen, Sabine Gruber, and Marja Tiilikainen
Parenthood -- Social aspects -- Case studies. : Studying the influences of social class on the transition to parenthood : using in-depth interviewing and survey research methods in a longitudinal study / Michael J. Lynch
Persons functioning as natural, adoptive, or substitute parents. The heading includes the concept of parenthood as well as preparation for becoming a parent
Parenthood -- United States -- Public opinion : The politics of parenthood : causes and consequences of the politicization and polarization of the American family / Laurel Elder and Steven Greene