Parent anda child : Parenting and teen drug use : the most recent findings from research, prevention, and treatment / edited by Lawrence M. Scheier, William B. Hansen
Parent attitudes. : Demand-sensitive schooling? : evidence and issues
Here are entered works on the skills, attributes and attitudes needed for parenthood. Works on the methods and techniques of raising children are entered under Child rearing. Works on the psycho-social interaction between parents and their minor children are entered under Parent and child
Here are entered works on the psycho-social interaction between parents and their minor children. Works on the methods and techniques of raising children are entered under Child rearing. Works on the skills, attributes and attitudes needed for parenthood are entered under Parenting --subdivision Family relationships under groups of people
Parent-Child Relations -- New York City : From pariahs to partners : how parents and their allies changed New York City's child welfare system / David Tobis
Parent-child-relationships. : Working with parents of noncompliant children : a guide to evidence-based parent training for practitioners and students / Mark D. Shriver and Keith D. Allen
Parent d'enfant handicapé : Intervention with infants and toddlers : the law, the participants, and the process / by Joyce S. Taylor with contributions by Lynn Taylor Clark