What is osteoporosis? -- BMUS: the microcrack fixers -- Menopause and bone loss -- The amazing bone-anabolic PTHs -- How might PTHs stimulate bone growth? -- The clinical prospects of the invincible PTHs -- OGP: the osteogenic growth peptide -- The statins -- Surface signaling steroids-real anabolics or pseudo-anabolics? -- Strontium, calcium's big brother
Growing numbers of men and many more women are suffering from crippling bone loss called osteoporosis. By 2050 50% of Americans over 50 will be at risk of, or actually have, osteoporosis. In this book the reader will meet the newest real and possible bone builders and learn how they might work. These include novel steroids, an osteogenic growth peptide (OGP), leptin from both fat cells and osteoblasts and the many kinds of statin that are widely used to reduce blood cholesterol and seem to prevent Alzheimers disease. But the spotlight must be directed onto the currently most promising bone gr