Paraguay Oral history : Don't cry! : the Enlhet history of the Chaco War / edited by Hannes Kalisch and Ernesto Unruh ; Spanish translation from the Enlhet and commentary by Hannes Kalisch ; translation from Spanish into English by Nicholas Regan
Paraguay Political corruption : The Persistence of Local Caudillos in Latin America : Informal Political Practices and Democracy in Unitary Countries / Tomáš Došek
Paraguay Sesame industry Comic books, strips, etc : Forecasts : a story of weather and finance at the edge of disaster / written by Caroline E. Schuster ; illustrated by Enrique Bernardou and David Bueno
Paraguay -- Social life and customs : Paraguay Society & Culture Complete Report : an All-Inclusive Profile Combining All of Our Society and Culture Reports
Paraguay Social movements History 20th century : Social movements and the struggles for rights, justice and democracy in Paraguay / Charmain Levy, Laureen Elgert, Valérie L'Heureux, editors
Paraguay Social movements History 21st century : Social movements and the struggles for rights, justice and democracy in Paraguay / Charmain Levy, Laureen Elgert, Valérie L'Heureux, editors
Paraguay Soybean industry : The government of beans : regulating life in the age of monocrops / Kregg Hetherington
Paraguay Soyfoods industry : The government of beans : regulating life in the age of monocrops / Kregg Hetherington
Paraguay Spanish language : El bilingüismo paraguayo : usos y actitudes hacia el guaraní y el castellano / Lenka Zajícová
Paraguay Statistics Standards : Paraguay : report on the observance of standards and codes : data module, response by the authorities, detailed assessments using the data quality assessment framework (DQAF) / [prepared by the Statistics Dept.]
Paraguay Sustainable agriculture : Forest management and conservation agriculture : experiences of smallholder farmers in the eastern region of Paraguay / Paul Borsy, Rafael gadea, Esteban Vera Sosa, Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project (PMRN), Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) ; English translation, Brian G. Sims, FAO consultant