Paolini, Christopher. Eragon : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 3 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / [project editor, Anne Marie Hacht]
Pap test -- Australia. : Screening to prevent cervical cancer : guidelines for the management of asymptomatic women with screen detected abnormalities
Pap test -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Cervical cancer screening for Polish, German and other non English speaking background women in WSAHS : discussion paper / authors Vivienne Strong ... []
Pap test -- History : American experience. The cancer detectives / directed by Amanda Pollak, Gene Tempest ; produced by Amanda Pollak ; written by Gene Tempest ; an Insignia Films production for American Experience
Papa Grows Funk (Musical group) / : Do u want it? / written, directed, edited, shot and produced by Sam Radutzky and Josh Freund ; producers, Josh Freund, Sam Radutzky, Alex Mallonee ; Abis Productions
Papa John's International, Inc. / : Papa John's : use of image repair to address public relations crises / Marion E. Hambrick