Paleopathology -- Islands of the Pacific : The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands / edited by Marc Oxenham and Hallie R. Buckley
Paleopathology -- Southeast Asia : The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands / edited by Marc Oxenham and Hallie R. Buckley
Paleopatologi. : Shuffling nags, lame ducks : the archaeology of animal disease / László Bartosiewicz ; with a contribution on avian palaeopathology by Erika Gál
Paleopatologia. : Paleoanthropology : morphology and paleoecology / editor, Russell H. Tuttle
Paleozoic Paleobotany : Catalogue of the palaeozoic plants in the department of geology and palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History) / by Robert Kidston
Paleozoic Paleoclimatology : Carboniferous giants and mass extinction : the late Paleozoic Ice Age world / George R. McGhee Jr
Paleozoic Paleoecology : Wetlands through time / edited by Stephen F. Greb and William A. DiMichele
Paleozoic Paleogeography : Late Palaeozoic sequence stratigraphy and brachiopod faunas of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China / by Zhong Qiang Chen
Paleozoic Paleontology Congresses : The Terrestrial environment and the origin of land vertebrates : proceedings of an international symposium held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne / edited by A. L. Panchen
Palermo Italien : A companion to medieval Palermo : the history of a Mediterranean city from 600 to 1500 / edited by Annliese Nef ; French and Italian texts translated by Martin Thom