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Book Cover
Author Diamond, A. W. (Andrew William)

Title The management of chronic pain
Edition 2 edition
Published Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1997


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 WATERFT HEALTH  616.0472 Dia/Moc 1997  AVAILABLE
Description 178 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Series Oxford medical publications
Oxford medical publications.
Contents 1. Pain Clinics and pain relief -- 2. Pain perception -- 3. Assessment of the pain patient -- 4. Back pain -- 5. Body wall and myofascial pain -- 6. Relief of pain in malignant disease -- 7. Neurogenic pain -- 8. Headache -- 9. Pain syndromes of unknown causes -- 10. Psychological management of pain -- 11. Protocols for pain management
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Subject Chronic diseases -- Treatment.
Chronic pain.
Intractable pain.
Pain clinics.
Pain -- Treatment.
Palliative treatment.
Chronic Disease.
Pain, Intractable.
Palliative Care.
Pain Management.
Chronic Disease -- therapy.
Palliative Care.
Chronic Disease -- therapy.
Pain Management.
Palliative Care.
Author Coniam, S. W.
LC no. 96030136
ISBN 0192626957