Pacific Ocean -- Discovery and exploration -- French -- Maps. : Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes : execute par ordre de sa Majeste, l'Empereur et Roi, sur les corvettes le Geographe, le Naturaliste et la Goelette le Casuarina, pendant les annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804; publie par decret imperial, ... / et redige par M. F. Peron ... .
Pacific Ocean -- Discovery and exploration -- Spanish. : The Malaspina expedition, 1789-1794 : journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina / edited by Andrew David, ... [and others] ; introduction by Donald C. Cutter
Pacific Ocean -- Emigration and immigration -- History : Connecting seas and connected ocean rims : Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans and China seas migrations from the 1830s to the 1930s / edited by Donna R. Gabaccia and Dirk Hoerder
Pacific Ocean Fishes Larvae : The larvae of Indo-Pacific shorefishes / J.M. Leis and T. Trnski ; with contributions by B. Bruce ... [and others]
Pacific Ocean Fishes Pictorial works : Forty drawings of fishes made by the artists who accompanied Captain James Cook on his three voyages to the Pacific, 1768-71, 1772-75, 1776-80 : some being used by authors in the description of new species / text by P. J. P. Whitehead
Pacific Ocean Fishing : Tales of fishing virgin seas / by Z.G. ... ; With ... illus. from photographs taken by the author and others. Drawings by L.W. Smith
Pacific Ocean Global warming Simulation methods : Sources of uncertainty in the tropical Pacific warming pattern under global warming projected by coupled ocean-atmosphere models : doctoral thesis accepted by Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China / Jun Ying
Pacific Ocean Globalization Japan China : The dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands : how media narratives shape public opinion and challenge the global order / edited by Thomas A. Hollihan
Pacific Ocean -- Inland Sea : The Inland Sea / written and narrated by Donald Richie based on his book ; cinematography by Hiro Narita ; music by Toru Takemitsu ; edited by Brian Cotnoir ; produced by Brian Cotnoir and Lucille Carra ; directed by Lucille Carra
Pacific Ocean International relations : Asia Pacific in the age of globalization / edited by Robert David Johnson, Professor of History, Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA
Pacific Ocean International relations Japan China : The dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands : how media narratives shape public opinion and challenge the global order / edited by Thomas A. Hollihan
Pacific Ocean Invertebrates Congresses : North Pacific Workshop on Stock Assessment and Management of Invertebrates : Nanaimo, British Columbia, May 7-10, 1984 / edited by G.S. Jamieson and N. Bourne ; sponsored by Pacific Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and International Development Research Centre
Here are entered comprehensive works on all of the islands of the Pacific Ocean as well as works on the islands of the North Pacific. Comprehensive works on the islands of the Pacific Ocean belonging to the island groups of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are entered under Oceania