Pacific Coast Pilot guides Early works to 1800 : A cruising voyage round the world : first to the South-Seas, thence to the East-Indies and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope : begun in 1708 and finish'd in 1711. Containing a journal of all the remarkable transactions ..., an account of Alexander Selkirk's living alone four years and four months in an island; and a brief description of several countries in our course noted for trade .. / by Captain Woodes Rogers.
Pacific Coast Social archaeology Peru : Ancient households on the north coast of Peru / edited by Ilana Johnson, David Pacifico, and Robyn E. Cutright
Pacific Coast Social ecology British Columbia : Coasts under stress : restructuring and social-ecological health / Rosemary E. Ommer and the Coasts Under Stress Research Project team
Pacific Coast Social movements Colombia : Territorios colectivos : proceso de formación del estado en el Pacífico colombiano (1993-2009) / Marta Isabel Domínguez Mejía
Pacific Coast (South America) Bird surveys : Foraging dynamics of seabirds in the Eastern tropical pacific ocean / Larry B. Spear, David G. Ainley, and William A. Walker
Pacific Coast Trade routes Mexico History 19th century : El Pacífico Mexicano y sus transformaciones : integración marítima y terrestre en la configuración de un espacio internacional, 1848-1927 / Karina Busto Ibarra
Pacific Coast Trade routes Mexico History 20th century : El Pacífico Mexicano y sus transformaciones : integración marítima y terrestre en la configuración de un espacio internacional, 1848-1927 / Karina Busto Ibarra
Pacific Coast (US) Animal droppings : Scats and tracks of the Pacific Coast : a field guide to the signs of 70 wildlife species / James C. Halfpenny, PhD ; illustrated by Todd Telander
Pacific Coast (US) Animal tracks : Scats and tracks of the Pacific Coast : a field guide to the signs of 70 wildlife species / James C. Halfpenny, PhD ; illustrated by Todd Telander