Poetry Surrealism : Forest of eyes : selected poems of Tada Chimako / translated from the Japanese and with an introduction and notes by Jeffrey Angles
Poetry Sydney : Sydney's poems : a selection on the occasion of the city's one hundred and fiftieth anniversary 1842-1992 / offered by Robert Gray & Vivian Smith - editors
Here are entered works discussing collectively the technique and philosophy of poetry and works limited to the technique of poetry. General works on poetry and works limited to the philosophy of poetry are entered under Poetry
Poetry Teeth : The dental student's technical course in rhyme : Tunnock's text book of anatomy, physiology, dental anatomy, dental pathology, therapeutics, materia medica and pharmacolgy written in rhyme ... .
Poetry Temperance United States Societies, etc : The Temple, Chicago : the building of the world's and national W.C.T.U. Chicago, Jan. 15th 1895 / by Matilda B. Carse ; introduction by Frances E. Willard, LL. D
Poetry Tennessee : Secrets from a prison cell : a convict's eyewitness account of the dehumanizing drama of life behind bars / Tony D. Vick, with Michael T. McRay ; foreword by Richard Rohr
Poetry Tennis : Confessions of a midweek lady : tall tennis tales / Sandy Jeffs ; illustrated by Veronica Holland