Philosophy East Asia History, Local : The "Global" and the "local" in early modern and modern East Asia / edited by Benjamin A. Elman, Chao-Hui Jenny Liu
Philosophy -- East Asia -- Influence : Heidegger's hidden sources : East Asian influences on his work / Reinhard May ; translated, with a complementary essay by Graham Parkes
Philosophy Ecology Scandinavia : Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis : critical realism and the Nordic contributions / edited by Roy Bhaskar, Karl G. Hoyer, and Petter Naess
Philosophy Economic history : Humanism challenges materialism in economics and economic history / edited by Roderick Floud, Santhi Hejeebu, and David F. Mitch
Philosophy Economics Congresses : Die Ökonomik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften : alte und neue Perspektiven im Licht des jüngsten Methodenstreits / von Ingo Barens [and 5 others] ; herausgegeben von Heinz D. Kurz
Philosophy Economics Spain : Relaciones del orden económico y su ciencia con los de la moralidad y del derecho y otros escritos krausistas / Juan Sala Bonañ ; edición e introducción de José Luis Malo Guillén, Luis Blanco Domingo
Philosophy Education 20th century : Education and the reconstruction of culture : a critical study of twentieth century English and American theories / Malcolm Skilbeck
Philosophy Education Canada : Liberal education, civic education, and the Canadian regime : past principles and present challenges / edited by David W. Livingstone