Otolaryngologists -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Manual of allergy and clinical immunology for otolaryngologists / [edited by] David L. Rosenstreich, MD, Marvin P. Fried, MD, FACS, Gabriele S. de Vos, MD, MSc., Alexis H. Jackman, MD, FACS
Otolaryngology -- Australia -- Periodicals. : Australian journal of oto-laryngology : the official journal of the Australian Society of Oto-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Otolaryngology -- Code numbers : The essential guide to coding in otolaryngology : coding, billing, and practice management / [edited by] Seth M. Brown, Kimberley J. Pollock, Michael Setzen, Abtin Tabaee
Otolaryngology -- Diseases -- Diagnosis. : Ear, nose, and throat disorders / Barbara A. Sigler, Linda T. Schuring ; original illustratins by George J. Wassilchenko and Donald P. O'Connor ; original photography by Patrick Watson
Otolaryngology -- Early works to 1800 : Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa- qūt al-ḥāḍir, Provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Books I and II : diseases of the head and the face / a parallel Arabic-English translation by Gerrit Bos, Fabian Käs ; with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos ; and medieval Latin translation by Michael R. McVaugh
Otolaryngology -- Handbooks : Quick reference to ear, nose, and throat disorders / William R. Wilson, Joseph B. Nadol, Jr. ; with medical illustrations by Robert J. Galla
Otolaryngology -- Italy -- Periodicals : Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale
Otolaryngology -- Law and legislation -- United States : Litigation in otolaryngology : minimizing liability and preventing adverse outcomes / Jean Anderson Eloy, Peter F. Svider, Soly Baredes, Shawn P. Kelly, editors
Otolaryngology -- legislation & jurisprudence : Litigation in otolaryngology : minimizing liability and preventing adverse outcomes / Jean Anderson Eloy, Peter F. Svider, Soly Baredes, Shawn P. Kelly, editors
Otolaryngology -- Nursing. : Ear, nose, and throat disorders / Barbara A. Sigler, Linda T. Schuring ; original illustratins by George J. Wassilchenko and Donald P. O'Connor ; original photography by Patrick Watson
Otolaryngology -- organization & administration : The essential guide to coding in otolaryngology : coding, billing, and practice management / [edited by] Seth M. Brown, Kimberley J. Pollock, Michael Setzen, Abtin Tabaee