Ormus -- History : The travels of Pedro Teixeira : with his "Kings of Harmuz" and extracts from his "Kings of Persia." / Translated and annotated by William F. Sinclair with further notes and an introd. by Donald Ferguson
Ornament Motiv : Ornamental aesthetics : the poetry of attending in Thoreau, Dickinson, and Whitman / Theo Davis
Ornament of the world Menocal, Maria Rosa Film adaptations : The ornament of the world / produced by Kikim Media ; producers, Kiki Kapany, Michael Schwarz ; director, Michael Schwarz ; writers, Jason Cohn, Michael Schwarz, Gail Huddleson, Rhonda Collins
Here are entered works on custom bindings of books, irrespective of contents. Works on books that are produced by artists and intended as visual art objects are entered under Artists' books. Works on books illustrated with original prints by well known artists and published in limited editions are entered under Artists' illustrated books. Works on existing books whose pages have been altered by paint, collage, or other media are entered under Altered books
Ornamental fishes -- Breeding. : Ornamental fish farming : the small, medium and large scale breeding and marketing of freshwater tropical fish and goldfish / Brian Andrews
Ornamental fishes -- China. : Chinese goldfish / [Li Zhen ; photographers, Wang Ling, Shi Dianbin ; translator, Ouyang Caiwei]
Ornamental hairwork : Hair : its power and meaning in Asian cultures / edited by Alf Hiltebeitel and Barbara D. Miller ; foreword by Gananath Obeyesekere
Ornamental hairwork -- Asia -- History : Hair : its power and meaning in Asian cultures / edited by Alf Hiltebeitel and Barbara D. Miller ; foreword by Gananath Obeyesekere