Organs (Anatomy) Cultures and culture media -- See Organ culture
--subdivision Cultures and culture media under individual organs and regions of the body, e.g. Heart--Cultures and culture media
Organs (Anatomy) -- Diseases : Manifestations dermatologiques des maladies d'organes : Dermatologie et médecine. Vol. 4 / Didier Bessis ; avec la collaboration de Camille Francès, Bernard Guillot et Jean-Jacques Guilhou
Organs (Anatomy) -- Drama : Crimes of the future / Neon presents with Serendipity Point Films, Telefilm Canada, Ingenious Media ; a Canada-Hellenic Republic co-production ; produced in association with Argonauts Productions S.A., Crave, CBC Films, ERT, Rocket Science ; a Robert Lantos production ; written and directed by David Cronenberg ; produced by Robert Lantos ; producers, Panos Papahadzis, Steve Solomos
Organs (Anatomy) -- Models -- Testing : Organ-on-a-chip : engineered microenvironments for safety and efficacy testing / edited by Julia Hoeng, David Bovard, Manuel Peitsch
An aspect of personal behavior or lifestyle, environmental exposure, inborn or inherited characteristic, which, on the basis of epidemiological evidence, is known to be associated with a health-related condition considered important to prevent
Organs at Risk -- physiopathology : Delineating organs at risk in radiation therapy / Giampiero Ausili Cefaro, Domenico Genovesi, Carlos A. Perez ; foreword by Vincenzo Valentini
Organs at Risk -- radiation effects : Evaluation of a sex-specific difference in lung cancer radiation risk and approaches for improving lung cancer radiation risk projection (with a focus on application to space activities) / prepared by SC 1-27 on Evaluation of Sex-Specific Differences in Lung Cancer Radiation Risks and Recommendations for Use in Transfer and Projection Models
Artificial organs that are composites of biomaterials and cells. The biomaterial can act as a membrane (container) as in BIOARTIFICIAL LIVER or a scaffold as in bioartificial skin
Highly vascularized and specialized tissues distributed principally along the midline of the VENTRICULAR SYSTEM from the FOREBRAIN to the HINDBRAIN. They are distinguished by their lack of normal BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and fenestrated capillaries and contain either neurosecretory neurons or chemoreceptors