Organic compounds -- Tables -- Spectra : Structure determination of organic compounds : tables of spectral data / Ernö Pretsch, Philippe Bühlmann, Martin Badertscher
Organic compounds -- Testing. : The Universe: Strangest Things - Series 3, Ep 10 of 12 / Director: Verklan-Armstrong, Laura
Organic compounds -- Thermal properties : Heats of hydrogenation : experimental and computational hydrogen thermochemistry of organic compounds / Donald W. Rogers
Organic compounds -- Toxicology -- Congresses. : Sampling and analysis of toxic organics in the atmosphere : a symposium / sponsored by ASTM Committee D-22 on Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boulder, Colo., 6-9 Aug. 1979, S.S. Verner, symposium chairman
Here are entered works on dead woody material, such as logs, stumps, large branches, and root masses, found on the ground in forest stands or in streams
Organic electronics -- Design : Design of organic complementary circuits and systems on foil / Sahel Abdinia, Arthur H.M. van Roermund, Eugenio Cantatore
Systems of agriculture which adhere to nationally regulated standards that restrict the use of pesticides, non-organic fertilizers, genetic engineering, growth hormones, irradiation, antibiotics, and non-organic ANIMAL FEED